Piped Buttercream Flowers – Cupcake Bouquet

Estimated length: Approx 3 hours


In this class working with just butter cream you will learn to pipe simple but effective butter cream flowers such as rose swirls, sunflowers hydrangeas and daisies and then choose your favourites to make up a beautiful cupcake bouquet. 7 freshly baked cupcakes and all the materials are provided for you, you only need to bring an apron and a snack. We will keep you refreshed with tea and coffee throughout your session.

This class is suitable for Adults and children over the age of 16. A maximum of 6 people will attend this class.

You will learn how to:

  • Pipe the perfect swirl
  • Prepare your cakes with buttercream to make a flat base to pipe your flowers
  • Pipe a simple sunflower, daisy and hydrangea
  • Pipe a beautiful two tone rose swirl
  • Colour Buttercream evenly and how to mix colours to give a two tone effect.